A journey into different worlds

A journey into different worlds JUNIOR CURATORS: MYSTERIOUS REALMS Junior Curators: Mysterious Realms transports audiences into playful worlds drawn from and inspired by the Ipswich Art Gallery Collection. A ground breaking program developed with locally based young curators, who embarked on their own journey into the world of curation and exhibitions. Ipswich Art Gallery25 […]
‘Perfectly Imperfect’
IAG Kids: Clay Studio

‘Perfectly Imperfect’ makers studio for kids IAG KIDS: CLAY STUDIO Clay is the first exhibition in a series by Ipswich Art Gallery, designed to develop visual literacy through experimental, process based, hands-on exploration of the Elements of Art . IAG Kids Clay Studio harnesses the creative potential of clay to help children discover ‘form’ – […]
Take a look closer
Insect Agency Exhibition

Take a look closer INSECT AGENCY EXHIBITION Insect Agency provides a unique opportunity to delve into the astonishing world of insects, offering a blend of education, entertainment, and inspiration. The exhibition invites you to get up-close and personal with insects and their mind-blowing diversity of shapes, colours and species. 15 September 2023 — 7 July 2024 […]
A modern art love story

A modern art love story Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others Rauschenberg & Johns: Significant Others is a touring exhibition from the National Gallery of Australia. The exhibition opened in Pride month, acting as a great reminder that not that long ago being queer had to be kept secret. Ipswich Art Gallery 03 June to 30 […]
Showcasing a daily sketching ritual
Deb Mostert: Everyday Sketchbooks Exhibition

Showcasing a daily sketching ritual DEB MOSTERT: EVERYDAY SKETCHBOOKS EXHIBITION Decades of daily observations have been preserved through Ipswich-based artist Deb Mostert ‘s sketchbook practice, and she showcases her collection for the first time in Everyday Sketchbooks. “My sketchbook is exploration, in context and connected to a moment in time. I’m free to draw anywhere […]
Changing with the times
Criminal Law: Then, Now, Tomorrow Exhibition

Changing with the times CRIMINAL LAW: THEN, NOW, TOMORROW EXHIBITION Criminal Law: Then Now Tomorrow is a dynamic and detailed exhibition designed to engage and inspire both legal professionals of tomorrow and the general public. Open January 2023 to December 2024 in the Sir Harry Gibbs Legal Heritage Centre, Supreme Court, Brisbane Education about Australia’s […]
The captivating world of Margot McKinney
World of Wonder: Margot McKinney Exhibition

The captivating world of Margot McKinney WORLD OF WONDER EXHIBITION ‘World of Wonder’ Margot McKinney at Museum of Brisbane is an exhibition of breathtaking proportions featuring the stunning work and story of the illustrious history of this fourth generation jeweller. The very definition of timeless elegance and bespoke excellence, Margot’s extraordinary pieces are a celebration […]
Breaking boundaries with interactive art
Play Moves Exhibition

Breaking boundaries with interactive art PLAY MOVES EXHIBITION Play Moves is a fully immersive and interactive exhibition, inviting visitors to play, touch, weave, move and create. Open 10 December 2022 – 16 April 2023 at Museum of Brisbane. Play Moves places you at the heart of creative expression and cultural exchange by transforming you from spectator […]
So Well and Diligently Set Forthe Exhibition
Rare Books Exhibition

So Well and Diligently Set Forthe RARE BOOKS EXHIBITION Celebrating a nationally significant collection and a long and rich history with an exhibition of rare books titled ‘So Well and Diligently Set Forthe’ at the Supreme Court Library Queensland. Using illustrative motifs take from rare books in the collection the branding was minimal and reflected […]
A transformational exhibition
The Designers' Guide: Easton Pearson Exhibition

A transformational exhibition THE DESIGNERS’ GUIDE: EASTON PEARSON ARCHIVE EXHIBITION The Designers’ Guide: Easton Pearson Archive featured 200 garments displayed at Museum of Brisbane (23 November 2018 – 22 April 2019). The exhibition revealed the artistry, techniques and demi-couture practices that placed the label at the forefront of Australian fashion from 1998 – 2016. AWARDSMAPDA Winner […]